All fun and games it appears ... and some people are taking the vote for People's Choice of most admired agency very seriously. Which I guess is all good.
So I thought that I would take this opportunity to make a couple of observations. And to do some thanks.
The observations (apart from Cake being cheeky self-voting buggers) are that there is an interesting dynamic going on in PR at the moment.
First of all, there are actually a lot of very good agencies out there, it strikes me. Yes, we probably all do different things really well to some degree. But actually the market is strong, lots of good people, some good ideas and good work. Which is a good thing.
Sure, there are plenty of crap agencies and some people who aren't up to it, but we are blessed with a crop of good businesses.
The other interesting thing tho is that there are a bunch of agencies out there that are, quite simply, better at this social media stuff. One of the things that I always suspected was that there would be a bunch of people who would hit Twitter, Facebook, there own blogs to try to get people in and voting for them.
Canvassing, rabble-rousing, whatever you may call it.
And a bunch of them have. What's interesting is that some agencies out there are really bloody good at it.
As far as I can make out, there are some that are just voting for themselves, but others (honourable mentions to Andrew at FRANK and the guys at We Are Social, while Mark B is threatening a blog post), have taken to their online networks to get the clicks in.
So one of the odd things that has come out of this is the observation that there are a handful (tiny) that are doing some of this stuff really well. Law of unintended consequences and all that, but it strikes me that the agencies that have noted their presence in this poll and have used the tools they should be using for clients to get people along are those that deserve to be at the top of the list, given that it's where so much of our industry is going.
Not sure that those are particularly deep and I am going to keep mulling, but if nothing else, it's been an interesting experiment in understanding who has influence as much as they have a stock of good work behind them. A thought to be continued ...
Oh ... and the thanks go to wearesocial, Adam Vincenzi, Chris Reed, Mike Mathieson, Andrew Bloch, Reema Babakhan, Jay Sorrels, Kate Brackenborough, Vio and Andrea ... and no doubt a bunch of other people I'm, not aware of who have seen fit to mention the poll/canvass votes/whatever.