My Week in Media over on our sister-blog, "MediaWatch" seems to have (gently) started a bit of a meme.
Ged over at Renaissance Chambara has spotted the column and has invited others to post their own weeks (or months) of media consumption. Stephen at PRBlogger has done his own submission. So now we'll see whether anyone else is going to join the fun.
"Wadds", Jonathan, Drew, Jonny and Stuart have so far been invited to have a crack. Be interesting to see (if others do join in) whether there are any trends that emerge.
UPDATE 1: We'll keep track of this as far as we can - if you are tagged and do put up your own "week in media", please feel free to link to it in the comments. So far (and in addition to Ged and Stephen above), Stephen Waddington over at Rainier and Stuart Bruce at Wolfstar have joined in.
Stuart has tagged David Brain, Iain Dale, Chris Norton, Philip Young and Ian Delaney. Stephen has tagged Simon Wakeman, Will McInness, Brendan Cooper and Mark Pinsett. So now (once again), we wait and see whether they join in the "my week in media" fun and games.
UPDATE 2: Since Ged started this whole thing off, I just realised that we haven't tagged anyone ourselves. On that basis, I tag The PR and Comms Network boys (because they're a good pair), Bobbie (tho I'm not sure that his site is a blog, really), Russell Davies (on the basis that he might be interested), Chris "The Ginger One" Reed (cos he's a colleague and a nice fella), Daljit (hullo Daljit) and Neil MacIntosh (for political balance, as discussed).
UPDATE 3: Iain Dale has started playing along, it appears - and has tagged Donal Blaney, Norfolk Blogger, The Devil, Dizzy and Ben Brogan. Philip Young at Mediations has also posted his week ... And so the ball continues to roll.
UPDATE 4: Devil's Kitchen just joined in and made their contribution. As did Donal Blaney, Norfolk Blogger and DizzyThinks. Drew also had a go and has, in turn, tagged "Podcast gurus Chris and Neville, internationals Mdy and Youngy, then lastly my frenemy who can pick holes in most the things I've said if he likes, PRGeek."
UPDATE 5: So, Mdy has popped her selections up and has gone on to tag Manuel Viloria, Chette Soriano and Connie Reece. Jonny Rosemount has also contributed ... as have Antonia Bance (welcome, Antonia!) and Jackie Danicki (hullo Jackie) and UK Politics.
UPDATE 6: Ker-ist, this is getting a wee bit out of control now. So, going back up the chain a little bit, Mark Pinsent has joined the fun and has tagged James Warren. Oh, and Neil McIntosh has also joined the party, with a uniquely Scottish take on the whole thing - and some political balance, as he observes. Neil has, in turn, tagged onward and upward: Shaun Milne, Craig McGill, Meg Pickard, Stewart Kirkpatrick and MrsTosh
UPDATE 7: KS Rees has contributed to the My Week in Media meme. Apparently, he will not be trying another one. Ho hum. Er ... other than that, Daljit has joined in and has tagged these good folk: Tanya Gooding, Giles Shorthouse, Richard Bailey, Will Sturgeon and Tapio Liller. And now, MrsTosh has popped her response up.
UPDATE 8: Another day, another meme update. Going way back to the beginning, Jonathan Hopkins has popped up his response and has tagged the digital and advertising lot, including Iain, Yacco, Flo, Faris and Amelia. Meg has popped up her contribution and has tagged Caroline, Tom, Gordon, Cliff and Wendy (tho she has left participation pretty open, as should be the case). And finally ... Chris Reed over at FH has popped up his own week in media.
UPDATE 9: Craig McGill has also popped up his contributions - don't worry, Craig, they were interesting enough! Joining the party is Shaun Milne, who has gone on to tag Scott Douglas, Stephen Rafferty and Bob Mitchell. Update too from Neil on the efficiency of those he tagged.
Meantime, Tapio Liller, responding to Daljit's call, has posted his week, going on to tag the even bigger Mac-Geek on my blogroll, Thomas “TeeZeh” Cloer, Edelman Germany’s Chief Blogger Wolfgang Lünenbürger-Reidenbach, and of course the man with a 91% guarantee to have me interested in his posts, Thomas Knüwer. Oh, and not to forget proud dad and avid Twitterer Sebastian Keil. Also responding to Daljit's call is Giles Shorthouse, who has gone on to tag Nathan Cook at Cheeze, Lloyd Gofton and Simon Collister.
Finally for tonight, James Warren has posted his own week ... so more on meme progress anon.
UPDATE 10: Er ... another quick update on progress. Funny thing, meme-watching ... it becomes a relatively obsessive preoccupation. Or it could be that I am a geek. That said, watching a thing flow from place to place and from sub-community to sub-community is pretty interesting - it seems to have toddled into the Scottish media mafia and into comic-book authorship territory. SO ...
Wendy Christie at It's a Life has joined in and has tagged Sam, Jonners, Katy, Dawn and Dale. Neville Hobson has completed his week and has gone on to tag Grant Currie, David Tebbutt, Mike Denton, David Brain, Robin Crumby and Bernie Goldbach. Meantime, Will McInnes appears to have bookmarked Neville's (very helpful, actually) advice on all things RSS - how he deals with over 850 feeds on a daily basis - tho hasn't done his week, despite being tagged by Stuart Bruce sometime ago.
Meantime, answering Craig's call, Andy Diggle, comic writer extraordinaire has done his week and has invited Antony Johnston, Alex Epstein, Brian K. Vaughan and Jason Aaron to get involved. has also answered the call - but did so at 3.00 am, so wisely decided to have a mull over the weekend, so we will have to wait and see what is revealed over there. Finally for this update-ette, Bob Mitchell has posted his week, responding to Shaun Milne's "tig".
That's it for now ... happy "meming" or tigging, as I now prefer.
UPDATE 11: Caroline at has done with mulling and we have a week up and about ... When it comes to tagging, she has uttered and muttered the following ...
Please feel free to join in, or not: Derek Powazek, Hydragenic, maybe I can wake Reluctant Nomad from his slumber and I know it's not going to happen, but I'd love to read what Stephen Fry'd make of this meme. Last but not least I'm going to try to infect the Dutch blogosphere (oh god no, I'm using the b word) and that's why I tag Erwin Blom, who doesn't visit here I'm sure, but if you all click on the link a few times he might get the idea.
UPDATE 12: A slow day on the "my week in media" front ... thank gods. Taking Liberties has posted up a contribution ... and that's it for now.
UPDATE 13: Ah, some movement. Joining us is Simon Wakeman, who has gone on to tag Liam Fitzpatrick, Andy Wake, Richard Bailey and Simon Collister. Meantime, Richard Bailey has made his contribution, as has Katie Matthews.
UPDATE 14: Er ... we're off again. Simon Collister has contributed his week. Hullo Simon! He has tagged Jason Mical. Meantime, PR Geek has popped up his week and has asked Wade, Will, Morgan, Paul, and Sam to do theirs'. Alex Epstein has also done his week, in response to Andy Diggle's post. And - in keeping with the Scottish flavour of times previous - Stewart Kirkpatrick has also popped up a week, tagging Iain S Bruce, Alistair Brown, Andrew Heavens and Stephen Walker.
UPDATE 15: Another day, another update. This time, Ian Delaney, editor of NMK has joined the fun. Meantime, the others to join in are ... Sebastien Kiel at Planet Sab, who has tagged Sebastian, Ix and Timo Heuer. Yacco has popped up his week and called on Sean, Dom, Rubbishcorp and 0++0 to continue the meme. Paul Wooding (I think) has also done his week. Oh, and hullo to CK, who has also got involved - sorry about the resolution thing.
UPDATE 16: There are more folks on the my week in media case. Robyn Slingsby did her week and Maxined1212 popped her week up. That's it for now.
UPDATE 17: Just one to add ... Dom at PleaseTakeNote. He went on to tag Joe, Asi and Iain.
UPDATE 18: And Joe has responded with his week, just like that, on his site.
UPDATE 19: Apols, been a bit pitched out. So, a swift update ... Cliff on This is This has picked up the meme and popped his week up, going on to tag the nice folks who are: Writer’s Moll, Kathryn, Mr Angry, Pete and Scaryduck. Meantime, a week in media has also appeared on Asi Sharabi's No Man's Blog who has, in turn, tagged Nicky and her brand new delicious blog, Dan and the one and goatee Neil Perkins.
UPDATE 20: If, when we started this, we knew that we would be doing update 20, I'm not sure that we would have started! Still, we've started so we'll finish ... Meskel Square by Andrew Heavens (who I seem to remember meeting to talk about BT when he was at the FT years ago - small world). He has tagged: Drima, Ersasu, Rob Crilly and Will Connors.
UPDATE 21: All been a bit quiet of late ... until we hit the African blogoshphere. Rob Crilly has done his week here and has called on Reluctant Memsahib, Shashank Bengali, and Nick Wadhams to do their's. In response, the Reluctant Memsahib has popped her week up and tagged Potty Mummy, Iota and Primal Sneeze. Shashank Bengali has popped a week up, following Rob Crilly's call and has in turn tipped on to Yat, Afromusing and Same Ole G. And finally ... for now ... Sam Burnett has done the meme thing and tagged Carolan, Kathrine and Zoomy.
UPDATE 22: Carolan and Zoomy have popped their weeks up ... they haven't tagged anyone else, so that's that for the time being. Meatime, Neil Perkin (he of the goatee) has popped his week up (and a very entertaining read it was too), tagging Graeme, Laurence-Helene, and Katie.
UPDATE 23: A quick one this, because my bed is beckoning ... Chris "Ginger Monkey" Reed popped his week up and hasn't tagged anyone. Which makes things easier. Oh, and I just found that "My Week in Media +Meme" delivers over 150 results on Google. Which is a lot ...
Posted by: Craig McGill | 04 January 2008 at 02:38 PM
You've got mine and Stephen's tags back to front - I did Iain Dale, Phillip Young etc
Posted by: Stuart Bruce - Wolfstar | 10 January 2008 at 08:45 PM
Should be sorted, Stuart. Sorry about that.
Cheers, J.
Posted by: James Gordon-MacIntosh | 11 January 2008 at 12:55 PM
Posted by: Rob Crilly | 23 January 2008 at 08:27 AM
Thank you kindly, Rob!
Posted by: James Gordon-MacIntosh | 23 January 2008 at 06:04 PM