Hats off today to the nice folks at Disney. Fantastic coverage across the place for "Snow Weisz" as she has been dubbed.
Okay, so getting some serious celebs (Rachel, Beckham, Federer, Julie Andrews) and the world's leading photographer (Annie Leibowitz) into the papers was never going to be tough. But that, somehow, is the beauty of it all really - once you've got a cracking idea (and a stunning budget to match), getting ink really shouldn't be hard. It's hitting the idea that is the tough bit. And Disney and co nailed it with this one.
Just some of the coverage that we spotted in today's papers were stunning full-pages in the Independent and Daily Telegraph, another page in Metro, a third in the Daily Mail and a belting piece in the Sun. Coverage across the world was floating all over - with an on-message article in USA Today the highlight of what we could see.
Our hats come off to Disney's deep pockets and a great PR job, well delivered.