Respect is due to the nice people at Borkowski for their work on Wispa.
The Guardian managed to find space for a half-page on the 93 Facebook groups that sprung up demanding that Cadbury bring the brand back. The Daily Express broke the story of its return and the marketing trades have been cheerfully reporting that the brand is being revived as a result of online pressure.
It's not often that you have to stand back and applaud another agency's work. This was one of those occasions and our hats are off to you ...
Mark is quite right that we are altogether far too bitchy in the world of PR and should be far readier to acknowledge great work (
It's a better world for all of us in the industry if we drop some of the traditional asides and side-swipes, sit back and collectively point to the fabulous stuff that we do as an industry for our clients.
Yeah, it's a bit of pride-swallowing, but it does us all good in the end.
Posted by: James Gordon-MacIntosh | 30 August 2007 at 06:54 PM